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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Cakes for Lauren and Sheridan

My first cakes outside of class were for my next-door-neighbors, Lauren and Sheridan. They are a cute pair of twins who were turning four. They've since moved to Colorado, but my son Drew still misses "Lauriden" dearly.

We don't have cable, so I wasn't sure who Little Bear was. But that's the beauty of the Internet! In a few short minutes I had coloring sheets of both Blue and Little Bear that I could transfer onto my cakes. The internet is pretty much an invaluable tool every time I do a cake, since it's chalk-full of ideas and pictures of other people's cakes.

Here's Sheridan's cake. Note that it was chocolate, and I had a mishap with the looks a bit speckled! But luckily it didn't clash with the bear (at least that's what I tell myself.)

And here's Lauren's Blue's Clues cake.

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